Trap Shooting & Saturday Meals

March 9, 2024 @ 10:00 am
Trap Shooting League $40
Larry Kinden

Jan. 13, 2024: Trap Shoot cancelled due to inclement weather.

This is to advise you of the trap shooting and Saturday meal which will be taking place at the PSC this winter. 


Every Saturday Dan Pollock will be cooking something that will be ready to serve at 11:00 am.  It could be breakfast foods, chilli, baked beans and bread, or whatever concoction he can come up with.  The cost for this is a donation.  Dan is a good cook and we have decided to try this out this year to see how it goes. This is available to anyone who wants to come to the club whether shooting or not.  I believe the handgun shoots will be going on Saturday as well so all are welcome.  Come eat before or after you shoot.


The 2024 regular trap shooting, and the trap league will begin Saturday January 6th and will conclude Saturday April 27th.

Trap will be shot on Saturday’s only this winter starting at noon.

If you are in the league every round you shoot will be considered league targets but only your top 8 singles and top 4 doubles will be used to calculate your score.

On April 27th everyone in the league will have to shoot 2 singles and 1 double.  The results on this day will be added to your results to date (the 8 singles and 4 doubles) to determine the class winners.

Using this format allows us to shoot on windy days or to try out new guns, etc. and not be penalized for it.

This league is open to all shooters.  If you are an ATA shooter your rounds will be submitted to the ATA.

The cost to join the league this year will be $40.00.

If you would like to join or if you have any questions please let me know.

Remember the goal is to just have fun.

