PSC .22 RF BR Shoot
Date: February 23, 2025
Today a handful of shooters arrived for the first shooting match in Petitcodiac of 2025.
It was a small group similar to last year’s turnout, but we had fun.
The sky was overcast for most of the time and temps ran from -9C to -1C, with a light breeze blowing off and on – mostly from the west. With only a pair of windflags courtesy of Grant H., a lot of eyes were on them, but occasionally, some shooters missed the ten ring. We all tried, but no perfect score; scores were actually quite good.
Thanks to Chris S. and Grant H. for scoring, verifying targets, and for their work setting up the target stands and target changing duty. Chris S. was the Range officer. Photography by Darryl K.
Volker brought the Tim’s do-nuts which all enjoyed.
Scorecard & Event Pics: